Friday, February 12, 2010

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

The first comment that I have about this film is in regards to the title. "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief." What a ridiculous joke title. I can't even say that seriously! I'm surprised the MPAA doesn't have a rule preventing that long of a title or a title with that many syllables in it.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (no I will not abbreviate that) features up and coming (hopefully star soon) Logan Lerman as Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. I don't know much about Greek mythology at all. Going into the film, it's probably best that you have at least some background on the subject. Zeus is the ruler, Hades is the ruler of the underworld and Poseidon is God of water. They are all brothers who do not get along at all. In the film, someone has stolen Zeus' (played by Sean Bean) lightning bolt. Also known as the most powerful weapon in the universe. The title tells us that much but the rest of the plot is well hidden and not given away in the trailer. What the film is really about is Percy, his protector Grover (Brandon T. Jackson) and hopeful crush Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario) going around the country in search of 3 pearls that will get them into the underworld to get Percy's mom back from Hades who kidnapped her because he thinks that Percy is the lightning thief. Their adventure could of been more believable had either Logan Lerman or the script convinced us better of Percy's love for his mom. He seems to want her back and risk it all to get her back but overall he really doesn't seem to care about her at all. They run into Medusa (Uma Thurman) who will turn you into stone if you look into her eyes, a 5 headed dragon and a casino that has kept people under spells for years. Uma Therman does a good job as Medusa and the visual effects that makes snakes her hair is done really well. Rosario Dawson is also great as Hades' wife Persephone. Logan Lerman in his first starring role shines as Percy Jackson. He fits the role perfectly well. One actor who does not shine at all is Pierce Brosnan. He plays a horse. Well, actually it's him from the waist up but from the waist down it's just the body of a horse. If you can take that seriously, kudos to you. It would be an awful role for anyone to take on but it should not of been Pierce Brosnan. The second half of this film is way better than the first half. Before the hunt for the pearls begins, there is a series of scenes where all of these kids who are half human and half God are "training" at this camp in the forest. Apparently this huge camp has just never been stumbled upon by any human. In the history of time. Ever. The scenes at this camp are just awful. The medieval like feel is horribly done and if you've seen Role Models, it's like those scenes. Only worse. After the film leaves behind horse Pierce Brosnan and the medieval training camp, the film does get better. The hunt for the 3 pearls is entertaining, the action is cool and the visual effects are stunning. The humor keeps the film fun in a great way and who the lightning thief is a well kept secret. The ending scene in Olympus is sappy and emotional. It's probably because I have a soft spot for things like that, but it was a touching scene. Unfortunately, the film closes out in the God awful medieval camp. Also, stay for half way through the end credits because there is another scene.

Overall, the film is fun, funny and enjoyable. If there a kid inside of you at all or you have any interest in the Greek Gods, you should be able to like the film. Apparently this film is also a book or something but I don't know anything about that. The second half is really what makes the film. The film takes a much different turn and with action, humor and with a plot that some part inside of you has to love, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief manages to turn around from its weak first half and will entertain more than expected.

Final Verdict: C

1 comment:

  1. I would tend to agree with you. And i would recommend to read the original series by Rick Riordan -- it's very entertaining!
    Hope, you will enjoy it!
